12/08/2016 · Blood Father is a brutal, sizzling action film that has a lead that will melt your eyes off at sight. Mel Gibson's tenacious stares, his powerful moves and his deadeye shooting make this film what it is. Just watch it for Mel alone. It may not work in places and the supporting cast fall flat, but altogether it is filmmaking done right.
Un film di Jean-François Richet con Mel Gibson, Erin Moriarty, Diego Luna, Michael Parks. Fare la cosa giusta per la figlia. Blood Father è un film di genere azione, thriller, drammatico del 2016, diretto da Jean-François Richet, con Mel Gibson e Erin Moriarty. Durata 88 minuti. Distribuito da Wild Bunch, GEM 31/12/2015 · Scheda film Blood Father (2016) - Streaming | Leggi la recensione, trama, cast completo, critica e guarda trailer, foto, immagini, poster e locandina del film diretto da Jean-François Richet con Mel Gibson, Diego Luna, Erin Moriarty, William H. Macy BLOOD FATHER stars Mel Gibson as Link, an ex-convict who fights to protect his estranged daughter from the drug cartel that is hunting her down. In this thrilling action film, John must use his Scheda film Blood father (2016): leggi recensione, trama, cast, Cast. Mel Gibson John Link. Erin Moriarty Lydia. William H. Macy Kirby Curtis. Michael Parks Preacher. Thomas Mann Jason. Blood Father è un film del 2016 diretto da Jean-François Richet, con protagonista Mel Gibson. La pellicola è l'adattamento cinematografico del romanzo omonimo scritto da Peter Craig, qui anche co-sceneggiatore e produttore. Trama. L'ex biker John Link è un ex detenuto in libertà
Aan de cast ligt het zeker niet, vooral Mel Gibson is perfect gecast en leuk om aan het werk te Blood Father is vrij simpel vermaak, niet meer en niet minder. Watch "Blood Father (2016)" on Netflix in the USA: An ex-convict and estranged Cast. Mel Gibson, Erin Moriarty, Diego Luna, Michael Parks, William H. Macy, An ex-con reunites with his estranged wayward 16-year old daughter to protect her from drug dealers who are trying to kill her. 1 Apr 2020 “Blood Father” parks solitary, unshaven Mel, covered in tattoos, in the self-exile Cast: Mel Gibson, Erin Moriarty, Diego Luna, William H. Macy, In the lean yet muscular Blood Father, French director Jean-François Richet ( Mesrine) proves just that by successfully casting the seasoned action star as an ex-con and recovering alcoholic simply named Link. Published 5 Oct 2016. Blood Father is a 2016 French-produced action thriller directed by Jean-François Richet and starring Mel Gibson as John Link, an ex-con trying to mend his
Blood father: trama, cast, trailer e streaming del film di stasera su Rete 4. Per gli amanti dei film d’azione stasera, mercoledì 13 novembre 2019, su Rete 4 c’è un appuntamento Dopo che il fidanzato la inguaia per aver rubato una fortuna al cartello del narcotraffico, la diciottenne Lydia è costretta a darsi alla fuga trovando un solo alleato: il padre John, un motociclista ubriacone, drogato e fuorilegge. Determinato a proteggere la figlia da ogni male, John per una volta in … Blood Father. 2016 Directed by Jean-François Richet. Synopsis Beautifully shot, perfectly cast (Mel Gibson and Erin Moriarty in particular), In Blood Father he goes a little bit back to his roots by playing a character that would do anything to protect his next of kin, 04/04/2016 · This "looks like" Mad Max right? Check out the first trailer for Mel Gibson's new movie in the australian desert! ★ The Best ACTION Movies are HERE https://goo.gl/oLJVyj ★ The Must-See Movies “Blood Father,” written by Peter Craig and Andrea Berloff from a novel by Craig, avoids—at least for the most part—the clichés of the father-protects-daughter thrillers made famous by Liam Neeson by giving the daughter a little bit of bad-apple-ness, or bad-assness, herself. She’s in a bad situation and she’s also hooked on drugs and alcohol, so once Link swoops in to take her 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008. FORUM; Ondarock; Blood Father. Blood Father di Jean-François Richet. azione, drammatico | Francia (2016) cast: Mel Gibson, Erin Moriarty, Michael Parks, William H. Macy, Diego Luna . regia: Jean-François Richet 11/08/2016 · Mel Gibson Channels Mad Max in Blood Father Trailer Jul 8, 2016. Mel Gibson stars as a father trying to protect his troubled daughter from a group of drug dealers in …
24 Aug 2016 Mel Gibson tells Nigel M Smith about being an action dad, playing a guy in need of redemption and the time he tattooed a biker for fun. BLOOD FATH - 2016 Casting : Mel Gibson, Erin Moriarty, Diego Luna… Synopsis : John Link n'a rien d'un tendre : ex-motard, ex-alcoolique, ex-taulard, il a 12 Aug 2016 An ex-con reunites with his estranged wayward 16-year old daughter to protect her from drug dealers who are trying to kill her. Blood Father - An ex-con reunites with his estranged wayward 16-year old daughter to protect her from drug BLOOD FATHER Official Trailer (2016) Mel Gibson Action Thriller Movie HD My Favorite Actors: Mel Gibson (30 movies items). 26 Aug 2016 Mel Gibson and Erin Moriarty in “Blood Father.”CreditLionsgate Premiere. Blood Father: Directed by Jean-François Richet: Action, Crime, Drama, 25, 2016. 4. Hobbesian to the max, “Blood Father” is unwaveringly nasty 17 Jun 2014 Shameless star William H Macy has been cast in the thriller Blood Father. Macy, 64, announced the news on Twitter. Mel Gibson will take the Mel Gibson's 'Blood Father' begins comeback after call to 'shun' him. By Brian Lowry August 12, 2016: 6:07 PM ET. Mel Gibson's association with anti-Semitic
11/08/2016 · Mel Gibson Channels Mad Max in Blood Father Trailer Jul 8, 2016. Mel Gibson stars as a father trying to protect his troubled daughter from a group of drug dealers in …