Iron Sky (2012), scheda completa del film di Timo Vuorensola con Julia Dietze, Götz Otto, Christopher Kirby: trama, cast, trailer, gallerie, boxoffice, premi
Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Iron Sky: The Coming Race near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO 24 Apr 2019 Its existence is baffling until you realise that this sequel to a 2012 sci-fi yarn about Nazis on the moon was entirely crowdfunded. The Coming 18 Jul 2019 Lara Rossi in the movie “Iron Sky: The Coming Race. Steve Barron and a team of screenwriters waste a fun cast that includes Tom Berenger, 11 Jul 2013 The Nazis-on-the-Moon sequel Iron Sky: The Coming Race just Udo Kier, the most popular member of the cast, makes a personal pitch while 11 Feb 2012 the Finnish guerrilla filmmakers of Energia Productions return to our screens with IRON SKY, a hysterical piece of tomfoolery that rolls wildly The filming of Iron Sky The Coming Race started in October 2015 in Belgium with an international cast & crew. Read more. Customers
24 Apr 2019 The first Iron Sky (2012) was as an endearingly bonkers satire on right-wing extremism and its modern-day resurgence, with leftover Nazis in a Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Iron Sky: The Coming Race near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO 24 Apr 2019 Its existence is baffling until you realise that this sequel to a 2012 sci-fi yarn about Nazis on the moon was entirely crowdfunded. The Coming 18 Jul 2019 Lara Rossi in the movie “Iron Sky: The Coming Race. Steve Barron and a team of screenwriters waste a fun cast that includes Tom Berenger, 11 Jul 2013 The Nazis-on-the-Moon sequel Iron Sky: The Coming Race just Udo Kier, the most popular member of the cast, makes a personal pitch while 11 Feb 2012 the Finnish guerrilla filmmakers of Energia Productions return to our screens with IRON SKY, a hysterical piece of tomfoolery that rolls wildly
Directed by Timo Vuorensola. With Lara Rossi, Vladimir Burlakov, Kit Dale, Julia Dietze. A follow-up to the film Iron Sky (2012) in which Nazis plan to take over Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, Iron Sky: The Coming Race) — финско-немецкий фантастический комедийный боевик, снятый Тимо Вуоренсола и являющийся сиквелом фильма Cast[edit] Jukka Hilden as Vril Pope Urban II; Abbas Shirafkan as Vril Osama bin Laden · Kari Ketonen as Vril Vladimir Putin; Hon Ping Iron Sky: The Coming Race Videos. 2:02. Iron Sky: The Coming Race: Trailer 1 Cast. Lara Rossi · Vladimir Burlakov · Kit Dale · Udo Kier · Tom Green (III)
25/01/2019 · Iron Sky 2 Extended Trailer Conquers Mankind with Nazi Dinosaurs Kevin Burwick Aug 5, 2018. The long-awaited Iron Sky 2 is still months away from … See the full list of Iron Sky cast and crew including actors, directors, producers and more. Iron Sky. The Nazis set up a secret base on the dark side of the moon in 1945 where they hide out and plan to return to power in 2018. Cast information Crew information Company information News Iron Sky (suomessa myös nimellä Rautataivas) on Timo Vuorensolan ohjaama tieteiskomedia, joka julkaistiin 4. huhtikuuta 2012.Elokuva sijoittuu vuoteen 2018 ja kertoo siitä, kuinka vuonna 1945 kuun pimeälle puolelle lentäneet natsit palaavat valloittamaan maailman. Elokuva on pääosin englanninkielinen, mutta saksan kieli on myös suuressa osassa. In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers. When American astronaut James Washington (Christopher Kirby) puts down his Lunar Lander a bit too close to the secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer (Udo
29 Jun 2019 Coming 2 America adds a new cast member. Iron Sky: The Coming Race, the sequel to Iron Sky, was announced way back in 2013. Now, the