Vi avevamo già ragguagliato circa le notizie sul matrimonio Lubuntu-LXQt. Matrimonio ormai rimandato da troppo tempo ma che ora è finalmente ufficiale. Il team di sviluppo attraverso le parole di Simon Quigley ha infatti ufficializzato l'arrivo di LXQt su Lubuntu 18.10.
LXQt ha sostituito LXDE come desktop predefinito della derivata Lubuntu a partire dalla versione 18.10. Installazione LXQt è disponibile nei repository ufficiali nella versione 0.14.1 per Ubuntu 19.04, nella versione 0.13 per Ubuntu 18.04 e 18.10 e nella versione 0.10 per la versione 16.04. È comunque possibile installare la versione 0.11 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS tramite ppa . I'm using a fresh install 18.10 on my Samsung Serie 5 Ultra 530U3C A0L notebook. I really enjoy the Linux experience so far and everything I need works out of the box for me. The only thing missing is tap to click. How can I activate it? I looked for an option in lxqt but couldnt find one. Lubuntu 18.10 sarà la prima versione della distro ad utilizzare LXQt come ambiente desktop predefinito, passando così dalle GTK alle Qt5. Per chi non lo sapesse LXQt è un ambiente desktop nato dalla fusione dei progetti LXDE e Razor-qt dopo i problemi avuti dallo sviluppatore principale di LXDE al seguito dell'arrivo delle GTK3. Lubuntu comes with pre-loaded softwares and low-end hardware support which makes it an ideal choice for all end users. Here’s What’s Changed in lubuntu 18.10. What’s New LXQT. The major change that is coming in lubuntu is the getting away from LXDE environment and migrating to the LXQT environment. It was a long pending and was due. Incredibile ma (purtroppo, o per fortuna??) Lubuntu 18.10 fa un cambio di rotta impressionante: Lubuntu abbandona LXDE e da il benvenuto al Desktop Environment LXQt.Assurdo eh? Ma a quanto pare è tutto vero. Walter Lapchynski, del team di sviluppo Lubuntu, ha confermato la notizia, spiegando le motivazioni dietro la difficile scelta. Il Desktop Envionment LXDE, per …
Phoronix: Lubuntu 18.10 Officially Switching From LXDE To LXQt After working on Lubuntu-Next for a while in transitioning from the GTK-based LXDE desktop environment to the modern and maintained LXQt desktop environment that is powered by Qt5, the Lubuntu 18.10 will be the release that officially moves over to the LXQt desktop and pushes out LXDE Lubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish is the first release of Lubuntu with LXQt.LXQt is a lightweight desktop build around the Qt framework. It can be considered as a blend of LXDE and Razor-Qt projects. Despite the lack of experience with LXQt, Lubuntu team has done an excellent working in making Lubuntu Cosmic Cuttlefish a great experience. Lubuntu used to be that Linux distribution that you referred a friend to in case he wanted a very lightweight, newbie-friendly yet elegant alternative for Windows. Up to its 18.04LTS release, it indeed worked as expected, but starting with 18.10 where the development team switched to using the Qt-based desktop LXQt instead of traditional LXDE, things started to break. Lubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cutlet would be the first release of Lubuntu, that features LXQt Desktop. On 28th September 2018, Lubuntu team has published a beta image for Cosmic Cutlet to showcase the upcoming stable release. The Lubuntu with LXQt has some visual inconsistencies and user experience issues. Though, we can hope these issues will be addressed on the final … Lubuntu 18.10 abbandona LXDE: benvenuto LXQt Lubuntu segna un passaggio rilevante nella sua evoluzione: la distribuzione passa da LXDE, ambiente basato sulle librerie GTK, a … The Lubuntu project, in 18.10 and successive releases, will no longer support the LXDE desktop environment or tools in the Ubuntu archive and will instead focus on the LXQt desktop environment. The project has also reported that it plans to focus on being relatively light and modern, but will no longer focus on supporting older hardware. In questa piccola guida troverete una serie di trucchi e consigli su cosa installare sulla vostra Lubuntu 18.04 per renderla più completa per l'uso di tutti i giorni.
Lubuntu 18.10 with LXQt The latest release if Lubuntu is provided as a 1.6GB download in both 32-bit and 64-bit builds. Booting from the live media loads the LXQt 0.13.0 desktop. The desktop's panel is still placed at the bottom of the display. LXQt è nato proprio per offrire un desktop environment con un look&feel moderno ma allo stesso tempo leggero e stabile. Le prime release di Lubuntu 18.10 sono basate su LXQt e sono già state rilasciate, possono essere testate sia su architetture a 32-bit che a 64-bit. Lubuntu 18.10 (with LXQt) is a wonderful Linux distro, perhaps the best for Linux, if we carry out an overall evaluation in which we relate functionality, ease of use, lightness, assistance, etc. However, nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement. Here are some notes based on the daily use experience of this… Lubuntu 18.10. Rilasciata nel mese di ottobre 2018. Fra le principali novità ci sono il passaggio definitivo a LXQt, nella versione 0.13.0, come ambiente DE predefinito e l'adozione dell'installer grafico Calamares in sostituzione di Ubiquity.. Tra il software preinstallato è presente LibreOffice come suite per ufficio, VLC come lettore multimediale e Firefox come browser web. After working on Lubuntu-Next for a while in transitioning from the GTK-based LXDE desktop environment to the modern and maintained LXQt desktop environment that is powered by Qt5, the Lubuntu 18.10 will be the release that officially moves over to the LXQt desktop and pushes out LXDE. Walter Lapchynski of the Lubuntu project has confirmed that for the Ubuntu 18.10 … 2018-10-20: NEW • Distribution Release: Lubuntu 18.10: Rate this project: We conclude the Ubuntu release day with Lubuntu, a popular Ubuntu variant which, until recently, featured the lightweight LXDE desktop.Starting with version 18.10, the distribution has finally completed its intended switch to LXQt: "Thanks to all the hard work from our contributors, Lubuntu 18.10 has …
22 Nov 2018 InstallationMedia: Lubuntu 18.10 "Cosmic Cuttlefish" - Release amd64 ( 20181017.2) SourcePackage: lxqt-session UpgradeStatus: No upgrade Lubuntu 18.10, our first release with LXQt, has reached End of Life as of July 18, 2019. This means that no further security updates or… 2018年10月19日 今回の Lubuntu の大きな変更点は、LXDE から LXQt への移行なのですが、極楽はぜ 的には、最小インストールがなくなったことも大きいですね。余計な 9 Nov 2018 Lubuntu 18.10? Hey, I've noticed that Lubuntu now used Lxqt instead of Lxde. I was wondering how to go about to autostart x11vnc in lxqt? I'm running Lubuntu 18.10 (LXQT). There is no option to do this via gui settings. ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml. It is created at the time of your first login. 31 Jul 2018 First, the Lubuntu team chose to ditch LXDE desktop in favor of LXQt desktop and now they don't want to focus exclusively on older hardware. 5 Nov 2018 lxde desktop version of lubuntu 18.10 rather, which is based on LxQt desktop environment. Let the first things come first as the title mentioned
Download Lubuntu-18.04_x86_64 lxqt for free. This is Lubuntu 18.04.1 lxqt LTS 64 bit who wants let try user: live pass: evil