26 Sep 2014 Person of Interest - S04E01 - Panopticon. ×. Error message. Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Space
Subtitles "Person of Interest" Panopticon S04E01 free download. Large database of subtitles for movies, TV series and anime at OpenSubtitles. La quinta e ultima stagione della serie televisiva Person of Interest, composta da 13 episodi, è stata trasmessa in prima visione negli Stati Uniti d'America dall'emittente CBS dal 3 maggio al 21 giugno 2016. In Italia la stagione è andata in onda su Premium Crime dal 18 settembre all'11 dicembre 2016, mentre in chiaro è stata trasmessa da Top Crime dal 10 novembre al 15 … 文件名:Person.of.Interest.S04E01精校特效字幕.zip Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 1: Panopticon Summary: Forced to take on new identities created by Root, the team tries to adapt to their new lives. However, some find it hard to ignore The Machine's numbers, which puts them all at risk of being detected by Samaritan. 这个页面是Person.of.Interest.S04E04.REPACK.720p.HDTV.X264.CHD.Cht.ass 繁體中文繁字幕下载,疑犯追踪 第四季中文简体/繁体/中英/双语字幕 Tudo sobre Person of Interest S04E01 - Panopticon. Forçados a assumirem as novas identidades criadas pela Root, a equipe tenta se adaptar à nova vida. No entanto, alguns acham que é difícil de ignorar os CPFs da Máquina, o que coloca todos em risco de …
本站所有资源均收集自互联网,没有提供影片资源存储,也未参与录制、上传 若本站收录的资源无意侵犯了您的权益 请联系:billokyes#gmail.com(#=@) Person of Interest 2011 TV-14 5 Seasons TV Shows Ex-CIA agent John Reese and enigmatic billionaire Mr. Finch use software that can predict future events to … لیست کامل زیرنویس های Person of Interest - Fourth Season برای کیفیت های مختلف Télécharger Person of Interest S04E01 VOSTFR HDTV sur Cpasbien / Cestpasbien, Person of Interest S04E01 VOSTFR HDTV YYets.Person.of.Interest.S04E01.(高清精校)1024X576.mkv为搜索盘收集整理于百度云网盘资源,搜索盘不提供保存服务,下载地址跳到百度云盘下载,文件的安全性和完整性请您自行判断。 介紹:《疑犯追蹤》(Person of Interest)第四季將把焦點對准人工智能,該劇的兩位主創喬納森·诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)與克雷格·普拉格曼(Greg Plageman)對此感到興奮不已。要知道在第三季的最後一集,《疑犯追蹤》最初的故事前提基本已經不再成立。 [IMG][/IMG] Titolo originale Person of Interest Paese Stati Uniti d'America Anno 2011 – in produzione Formato serie TV Genere drammatico, crimine, thriller
Directed by Richard J. Lewis. With Jim Caviezel, Kevin Chapman, Amy Acker, Sarah Shahi. Required to assume new identities created by Root, the team tries to 23 Sep 2014 4x01. Season Premiere. "Panopticon" is the first episode of season 4, and the 69th produced hour of Person of Interest. It originally aired on 17 Nov 2017 In the first episode of the fourth season of Person of Interest, the team is scattered about New York, uncertain how they'll work together, when 25 Sep 2014 Person of Interest ''Panopticon'' - John Reese Highlights (4x01). YT.POI. Loading. .. Unsubscribe from YT.POI? Cancel Unsubscribe. Working. 23 Sep 2014 The fourth-season premiere of Person Of Interest features characters looking for direction, as well as those who think they've found it.
Najveća baza titlova za Vaše filmove. 26.09.2014. 10:02 Olaksanje-Zadovoljstvo! Hvala na titlu za WEB-DL.Pravo je zadovoljstvo na HD TV-u pogledati i fajl full HD .WEB-DL Neznam nista o prevodjenju.Zato se izvinjavam.Ali tako malo ljudi radi .WEB-DL titlove.Ovako pravo je zadovoljstvo pogledati ovu seriju sa dobrim .WEB-DL titlovima.Hvala.Nadam se bice jos … Person.of.Interest.S04E22.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.cht&eng.ass 104.2KB 显示更多 提示:单击列表可直接下载单个文件,如果失败请下载压缩包 介绍:《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)第四季将把焦点对准人工智能,该剧的两位主创乔纳森·诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)与克雷格·普拉格曼(Greg Plageman)对此感到兴奋不已。要知道在第三季的最后一集,《疑犯追踪》最初的故事前提基本已经不再成立。 We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. OK, I Understand Ondertitels "Person of Interest" Panopticon - ondertitels nederlands. Person of Interest - 04x01 - Panopticon.LOL, 1CD (dut). Geupload 2014-10-01, gedownload 27455x. 介绍:《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)第四季将把焦点对准人工智能,该剧的两位主创乔纳森·诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)与克雷格·普拉格曼(Greg Plageman)对此感到兴奋不已。要知道在第三季的最后一集,《疑犯追踪》最初的故事前提基本已经不再成立。 Mark Watches ‘Person of Interest’: S04E01 – Panopticon Posted on November 17, 2017 by Mark Oshiro In the first episode of the fourth season of Person of Interest , the team is scattered about New York, uncertain how they’ll work together, when the Machine finds unique ways for them to …
23 Sep 2014 4x01. Season Premiere. "Panopticon" is the first episode of season 4, and the 69th produced hour of Person of Interest. It originally aired on